Promising sectors

Potential research subjects
Potential research topics are endless. These largely depend on the needs and wishes expressed
by the participating companies. Initially, participants will come up with suggestions for research
topics or amplify ideas proposed by the company. Examples of study designs are:
• Business development
• Risk analysis
• Investment analysis
• Market analysis
• Distributer analysis
• Competitive analysis
• Import- and export analysis
• Feasibility research

The information and communication technology (ICT) sector in Brazil is rapidly growing, with investments in the IT sector expected to increase by 35% per year. This growth is driven by a burgeoning digital economy, increasing internet penetration, and the adoption of advanced technologies across various industries. Brazil's ICT sector presents lucrative opportunities for companies specializing in software development, IT services, and digital solutions.

Brazil is a global leader in the production of renewable energy, particularly in biofuels. The country has made significant advancements in second-generation biofuels and offers ideal conditions for large-scale green hydrogen production. With its vast natural resources and favorable climate, Brazil is well-positioned to continue leading in sustainable energy initiatives, creating numerous opportunities for international investors and companies specializing in clean energy technologies.

Brazil is a powerhouse in the agri-food sector, being the largest producer of coffee, sugarcane, and oranges. It also has one of the world's largest cattle herds and soybean production capacities. The country offers substantial opportunities for Dutch expertise, especially in sustainability, greenhouse horticulture, and improving production chains for tropical fruits such as avocados and limes. The agri-food sector is crucial for Brazil's economy, with significant exports to global markets

Healthcare and medical sector 
Brazil's healthcare and medical sectors have experienced substantial growth in recent years, with an annual increase of over 10%. This growth is driven by the rising demand for healthcare services, advancements in medical technology, and increased investments in healthcare infrastructure. There are significant opportunities for international companies offering innovative medical solutions, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare services, as Brazil continues to expand and modernize its healthcare system.

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